
Discover a better way to manage your spaces

Booking Calendar

Manage, digest & navigate seamlessly

Your Skedda calendar is where the action happens! It's the focal point, where you can easily view and manage your bookings. Toggle between the unique Day, Month, List, Grid and Map calendar views to easily digest booking activity.
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Booking calendar interface with reporting graph
Scheduling Automation

Clever automation does the work for you

Skedda allows organizations to automate tricky, time-consuming parts of managing your bookable spaces. Our automation tools mean you can set up conditions once & forget the stress. Say goodbye to booking headaches once and for all!
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New booking form with conditions and confirmation button
insights / ANALYTICS

Insights to drive space management strategy

Effective space management is driven by data, not guesswork. Skedda provides you with actionable insights that enable you to make the right decisions when it comes to smart space management. Ditch the uncertainty & make smarter decisions with Skedda.
Explore Scheduling Insights
Illustration of the Skedda Insights dashboard
Maps / floorplans

Interactive maps with real-time availability

Allow your users to view availability and book directly from a live, intuitive, interactive map. Custom designed to perfectly match your layout, maps take the booking experience to the next level. Amaze your users with a complete visual of your space!
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Illustration of a Skedda interactive map
VISITOR Management

Simple and secure guest visits, from check-in to check-out

Welcome and safely host your visitors. Provide a great workplace experience for all.
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Skedda Visitor Management
User management interface with new user form
User Management

Decide how your users interact with your spaces

Easily make decisions regarding how users can book space at your organization. Decide who can book and when, booking quotas, specific rules and restrictions or any other unique customization. Set up the specifics once and leave Skedda to manage the rest!
Explore User Management

Log in without passwords

Streamline the way your users authenticate with Skedda. We support logging in with existing Google, Facebook & Microsoft accounts, plus full SAML 2.0 support. Keeping security tight and user administration seamless is a breeze.
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Diagram of a booking form and a credit card
Online Payments

Take online payments with Stripe

Take online payments securely for your bookings with fully-integrated payment processing through our partner, Stripe. Collect funds upfront or with our unique ‘Book Now, Pay Later’ option. Our platform provides you and your customers with the options & confidence you need.
Explore Online Payments
A friendly customer support man with arms crossed
All-star Support

Friendly, fast & knowledgeable help

Our friendly, all-star team will make sure you always have the assistance you need with 24-hour availability during the week. We love solving problems & helping our customers get the most out of the Skedda platform.
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Two mobile interfaces showing a bookable interactive map and booking calendar
Mobile Friendly

Access Skedda while you’re on the move

Interact with Skedda while you’re on the move, from the palm of your hand. No need to rush back to your PC or laptop, Skedda is accessible from anywhere. With our native iOS and Android apps, Skedda’s mobile experience really shines.
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